Social cohesion is defined as: – the overall good relationship that makes people in a group or society to work together and relate well with one another. – positive social relationships. – the bond or glue that binds people. – ...Read more
LEARN IT Latest Questions
what is that 100% out 100% of people reach at and that 50.4% of people out of 100% don’t reach at?
Social norms are explained as: norms defining the appropriate behaviours within the society. informal rules that govern behaviour in groups and societies. unwritten rules of behaviour that are considered acceptable in a group or society. unwritten rules of behaviour shared by members of a ...Read more
Positive values are the behaviours or qualities which are good, desirable or worthwhile. They are usually the ones that will bring you long-lasting happiness in life. These positive values include social justice, respect, honesty, responsibility, loyalty, humility, compassion, kindness, integrity, selflessness, ...Read more
History is simply defined as the study of past events.
The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest with 8,848 metres high. It is located in the Himalayan mountains on the border between Nepal and China
The United States of America is composed by 50 states.
A factory refers to a building, or a group of buildings wherein goods are manufactured by using machines while an industry refers to the branch of economics wherein raw materials, goods, and services are produced.
The word ‘Education’ is derived from the Latin word ‘educare’, meaning ‘to bring up, rear, educate’. Education is defined as the process of imparting knowledge, skills, morals, attitudes and values from one person to another. It is also the process ...Read more
Why do people learn? How do they learn? How school and life teach people differently?
In these days, most of the banks advertise their services by saying that they offer credit or debit cards to their clients. How are these cards different?