A poor Woodman was cutting down a tree near the edge of a deep pool in the forest. It was late in the day and the Woodman was tired. He had been working since sunrise and his strokes were not ...
LEARN IT Latest Articles
Belling The Cat
LEARN ITThe Mice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the Cat. At least they wished to find some way of knowing when she was coming, so they might have time to run ...
Literature in English-S6-Test II
LEARN ITA test is a formal assessment that a student or anyone takes to show his/her knowledge or skills in a particular subject or to obtain a qualification. Download for free “Senior Six Literature in English Test II” for personal or ...
Literary device- Assonance
LEARN ITAssonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds within nearby words, lines, phrases, or sentences. It is the repetition of vowel sounds in adjacent words. Assonance takes place when two or more words, close to one another repeat the same ...
The Dogs and The Hides
LEARN ITSome hungry Dogs saw a number of hides at the bottom of a stream where the Tanner had put them to soak. A fine hide makes an excellent meal for a hungry Dog, but the water was deep and the ...
Hercules and The Wagoner
LEARN ITA Farmer was driving his wagon along a miry country road after a heavy rain. The horses could hardly drag the load through the deep mud, and at last came to a standstill when one of the wheels sank to ...
The Eagle and the Beetle
LEARN ITA Beetle once begged the Eagle to spare a Hare which had run to her for protection. But the Eagle pounced upon her prey, the sweep of her great wings tumbling the Beetle a dozen feet away. Furious at the ...
Literature in English-S6-Exam VI
LEARN ITAn exam is a formal test that a student or anyone takes to show his/her knowledge or skills in a particular subject or to obtain a qualification. Download for free “Senior Six Literature in English Exam VI” for personal or ...
The Lion and The Ass
LEARN ITA Lion and an Ass agreed to go hunting together. In their search for game, the hunters saw a number of Wild Goats run into a cave, and laid plans to catch them. The Ass was to go into the ...
Ibihekane: SHYW na NSHW
LEARN ITIbihekane “shyw” na “nshw” bishobora gukurikirwa n’inyajwi zose ari zo i,u,o,a,e. Igihekane “shyw” Ingero Igihekane “nshw” Ingero
The Bundle of Sticks
LEARN ITA certain Father had a family of Sons, who were forever quarreling among themselves. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind for some very striking example that should make them see ...
The Wolf and The Ass
LEARN ITAn Ass was feeding in a pasture near a wood when he saw a Wolf lurking in the shadows along the hedge. He easily guessed what the Wolf had in mind, and thought of a plan to save himself. So ...
The Leap at Rhodes
LEARN ITA certain man who visited foreign lands could talk of little when he returned to his home except the wonderful adventures he had met with and the great deeds he had done abroad. One of the feats he told about ...
The Lion and The Mouse
LEARN ITA Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws. A timid little Mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright and haste to get away, ran across the Lion’s nose. Roused from his nap, ...
The Wolf and The Lion
LEARN ITA Wolf had stolen a Lamb and was carrying it off to his lair to eat it. But his plans were very much changed when he met a Lion, who, without making any excuses, took the Lamb away from him. ...
The Cock and The Jewel
LEARN ITA Cock was busily scratching and scraping about to find something to eat for himself and his family, when he happened to turn up a precious jewel that had been lost by its owner. “Aha!” said the Cock. “No doubt ...
The Ass and The Grasshoppers
LEARN ITOne day as an Ass was walking in the pasture, he found some Grasshoppers chirping merrily in a grassy corner of the field. He listened with a great deal of admiration to the song of the Grasshoppers. It was such ...
The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf
LEARN ITA Shepherd Boy tended his master’s Sheep near a dark forest not far from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play ...
The Rat and The Elephant
LEARN ITA Rat was traveling along the King’s highway. He was a very proud Rat, considering his small size and the bad reputation all Rats have. As Mr. Rat walked along—he kept mostly to the ditch—he noticed a great commotion up ...
The Farmer and The Stork
LEARN ITA Stork of a very simple and trusting nature had been asked by a gay party of Cranes to visit a field that had been newly planted. But the party ended dismally with all the birds entangled in the meshes ...
The Wolf and The Lean Dog
LEARN ITA Wolf prowling near a village one evening met a Dog. It happened to be a very lean and bony Dog, and Master Wolf would have turned up his nose at such meager fare had he not been more hungry ...
The Fox and The Grapes
LEARN ITA Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox’s mouth watered as he gazed longingly at ...
The Cat and The Birds
LEARN ITA Cat was growing very thin. As you have guessed, he did not get enough to eat. One day he heard that some Birds in the neighborhood were ailing and needed a doctor. So, he put on a pair of ...
A Raven and A Swan
LEARN ITA Raven, which you know is black as coal, was envious of the Swan, because her feathers were as white as the purest snow. The foolish bird got the idea that if he lived like the Swan, swimming and diving ...
The Lion and The Ass
LEARN ITOne day as the Lion walked proudly down a forest aisle, and the animals respectfully made way for him, an Ass brayed a scornful remark as he passed. The Lion felt a flash of anger. But when he turned his ...
The Young Crab and His Mother
LEARN IT“Why in the world do you walk sideways like that?” said a Mother Crab to her son. “You should always walk straight forward with your toes turned out.” “Show me how to walk, mother dear,” answered the little Crab obediently, ...
The Two Goats
LEARN ITTwo Goats, frisking gayly on the rocky steeps of a mountain valley, chanced to meet, one on each side of a deep chasm through which poured a mighty mountain torrent. The trunk of a fallen tree formed the only means ...
The Hares and The Frogs
LEARN ITHares, as you know, are very timid. The least shadow, sends them scurrying in fright to a hiding place. Once they decided to die rather than live in such misery. But while they were debating how best to meet death, ...
The Dog in The Manger
LEARN ITA Dog asleep in a manger filled with hay, was awakened by the Cattle, which came in tired and hungry from working in the field. But the Dog would not let them get near the manger, and snarled and snapped ...
The Ass and His Driver
LEARN ITAn Ass was being driven along a road leading down the mountain side, when he suddenly took it into his silly head to choose his own path. He could see his stall at the foot of the mountain, and to ...
The Owl and The Grasshopper
LEARN ITThe Owl always takes her sleep during the day. Then after sundown, when the rosy light fades from the sky and the shadows rise slowly through the wood, out she comes ruffling and blinking from the old hollow tree. Now ...
The Oxen and The Wheels
LEARN ITA pair of Oxen were drawing a heavily loaded wagon along a miry country road. They had to use all their strength to pull the wagon, but they did not complain. The Wheels of the wagon were of a different ...
The Monkey and The Cat
LEARN ITOnce upon a time a Cat and a Monkey lived as pets in the same house. They were great friends and were constantly in all sorts of mischief together. What they seemed to think of more than anything else was ...
The Stag and his Reflection
LEARN ITA Stag, drinking from a crystal spring, saw himself mirrored in the clear water. He greatly admired the graceful arch of his antlers, but he was very much ashamed of his spindling legs. “How can it be,” he sighed, “that ...
The Dogs and The Fox
LEARN ITSome Dogs found the skin of a Lion and furiously began to tear it with their teeth. A Fox chanced to see them and laughed scornfully. “If that Lion had been alive,” he said, “it would have been a very ...
The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
LEARN ITA certain Wolf could not get enough to eat because of the watchfulness of the Shepherds. But one night he found a sheep skin that had been cast aside and forgotten. The next day, dressed in the skin, the Wolf ...
The Ass, The Fox, and The Lion
LEARN ITAn Ass and a Fox had become close comrades, and were constantly in each other’s company. While the Ass cropped a fresh bit of greens, the Fox would devour a chicken from the neighboring farmyard or a bit of cheese ...
The Wolf and The Kid
LEARN ITThere was once a little Kid whose growing horns made him think he was a grown-up Billy Goat and able to take care of himself. So one evening when the flock started home from the pasture and his mother called, ...
The Travelers and The Purse
LEARN ITTwo men were traveling in company along the road when one of them picked up a well-filled purse. “How lucky I am!” he said. “I have found a purse. Judging by its weight it must be full of gold.” “Do ...
The Farmer and The Cranes
LEARN ITSome Cranes saw a farmer plowing a large field. When the work of plowing was done, they patiently watched him sow the seed. It was their feast, they thought. So, as soon as the Farmer had finished planting and had ...
The Dog and his Master’s Dinner
LEARN ITA Dog had learned to carry his master’s dinner to him every day. He was very faithful to his duty, though the smell of the good things in the basket tempted him. The Dogs in the neighbourhood noticed him carrying ...
The Wolf and The Crane
LEARN ITA Wolf had been feasting too greedily, and a bone had stuck crosswise in his throat. He could get it neither up nor down, and of course, he could not eat a thing. Naturally, that was an awful state of ...
The Farmer and His Sons
LEARN ITA rich old farmer, who felt that he had not many more days to live, called his sons to his bedside. “My sons,” he said, “heed what I have to say to you. Do not on any account part with ...
The Frogs who wished for a King
LEARN ITThe Frogs were tired of governing themselves. They had so much freedom that it had spoiled them, and they did nothing but sit around croaking in a bored manner and wishing for a government that could entertain them with the ...
The Ass and The Load of Salt
LEARN ITA Merchant, driving his Ass homeward from the seashore with a heavy load of salt, came to a river crossed by a shallow ford. They had crossed this river many times before without accident, but this time the Ass slipped ...
The Two Pots
LEARN ITTwo Pots, one of brass and the other of clay, stood together on the hearthstone. One day the Brass Pot proposed to the Earthen Pot that they go out into the world together. But the Earthen Pot excused himself, saying ...
The Frog and The Mouse
LEARN ITA young Mouse in search of adventure was running along the bank of a pond where lived a Frog. When the Frog saw the Mouse, he swam to the bank and croaked: “Won’t you pay me a visit? I can ...
The Eagle and The Jackdaw
LEARN ITAn Eagle, swooping down on powerful wings, seized a lamb in her talons and made off with it to her nest. A Jackdaw saw the deed, and his silly head was filled with the idea that he was big and ...
The Mouse and The Weasel
LEARN ITA little hungry Mouse found his way one day into a basket of corn. He had to squeeze himself a good deal to get through the narrow opening between the strips of the basket. But the corn was tempting and ...
The Boy and The Filberts
LEARN ITA Boy was given permission to put his hand into a pitcher to get some filberts. But he took such a great fistful that he could not draw his hand out again. There he stood, unwilling to give up a ...