The hardware components are physical/tangible parts parts of a computer while software components involve intangible parts.
Network devices are hardware devices that are used to connect computers, printers, fax machines and other electronic devices to a network. The common network devices are router, switch , bridge, hub, gateway, modem, repeater, and access point.
On different websites that allow their visitors to create user accounts or sign in their user accounts, Log In and Login are the words that are frequently used. Both words can be especially confusing to people because they have ...Read more
Apple-Steve Jobs Microsoft Corporation-Bill Gates Alphabet-Larry Page Bezos Tesla-Elon Musk Meta Platforms-Mark Zuckerberg NVIDIA Corporation-Jensen Huang TENCENT-Ma Huateng Alibaba-Jack Ma IBM-Thomas J. Watson Yahoo-Jerry Yang Oracle-Larry Ellison Adobe Systems-Charles Geschke Samsung-Lee Byung Hewlett-Packard (HP)- Bill Hewlett & Dave PackardRead more
On your smartphone, you can control the notifications of the apps. Sometimes when you turn on the mobile data or WiFi, too many notifications of WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, ….appear at the top screen of your phone, and can be annoying ...Read more
You sort a list of words or sentences alphabetically in Word by passing in the following steps: Select the list you want to sort, Go to Home > Sort, Set Sort by to Paragraphs and Text, Choose Ascending (A to Z) ...Read more
The meaning of “as far as I’m concerned” is “according to me, in my opinion, or in my view”.
3G = 3rd Generation 3GP = 3rd Generation Project 3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership Project 4G = 4th Generation 5G = 5th Generation AAC = Advanced Audio Coding AM/FM = Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec ARPANET = Advanced Research Project Agency Network AVC= Advanced Video Coding AVI ...Read more
The word ‘Education’ is derived from the Latin word ‘educare’, meaning ‘to bring up, rear, educate’. Education is defined as the process of imparting knowledge, skills, morals, attitudes and values from one person to another. It is also the process ...Read more
Who is the writer of novel” Memory of Departure?”
kuna nyakati Uliopo wakati uliopita wakati ujaa wakati wa mazoea
Give at least one example of a sentence including “Which” and another one “That” as relative pronouns.
describe briefly how we can ensure effective verbal communication
1.Open a new or an existing Word document. 2. Click on “File” from the menu. 3. Scroll down and click on “Options”. 4. Click on ” Proofing”. 5. Uncheck -“Check spelling as you type” ...Read more
In order to remove all hyperlinks from your Word document do this: Press “Ctrl+A” to select the whole document, then press “Ctrl+Shift+F9”.
Why do people learn? How do they learn? How school and life teach people differently?
In order to use WhatsApp on your laptop or desktop, you will need to pass through the following steps: Before starting, make sure that both your smartphone and computer have internet access. Open your browser(Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox, Opera….) on your computer. ...Read more
I sometimes hear people using the word “program” and “software” while talking about computers or Internet. So far, I have not got the difference between them.
1. Who did you meet last year? 2. Whom did you meet last year?